
Anyone can make a smoothie: with ice cream, fruit, or protein powder.  Some people make their smoothies look absolutely beautiful and smooth because of the type of blender they use.  As an artist trained in color mixing, painting, art history, and creativity on top of many other aspects; I have found a new form of smoothie.  I call them Vegetable Smoothies!  My smoothies make vegetables look beautiful, but also make them taste amazing.  In fact I usually post when my smoothies are Husband or kid approved, since that is always key to have others say they are good.

I am a food artist!  Making food look beautiful is just a small part of what a food artist is capable of putting together.  Creating delicious looking food from normal everyday products, and standard produce.  I started this journey when 1. my kids need to eat more vegetables 2. my husband and I decided to loose 30 lbs each, 3. we wanted our family to get healthier and stay healthy.  As I continued friends would let me know how happy they were to find smoothies that helped with their personal healthy life styles.  They enjoyed the hidden vegetables, and rainbow colors,   I am the Smoothie Guru!  What does this mean?  And What do I do?   This is one of my passion to make beautiful food art through vegetable smoothies.

Smoothie Art

Spinach Green Smoothie

Blackberry Avocado Smoothie

Pina Colada Smoothie

Cantaloupe Carrot Smoothie

Beet Raspberry Smoothie

Cranbeet Smoothie

Razz Beet Smoothie

Pumpkin Peach Smoothie

Pumpkin Strawberry Smoothie

Orange Mango Smoothie

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