March 31, 2015

A Women's Conference

Over this past weekend, I got to attend a very special LDS Women's Conference Broadcast from Utah.  It was really good, I love up-beat, inspiring, motivating, Christian conferences because I leave feeling so full of joy and peace and creativity.  Here is a LINK if you want to know more about the conference I saw, because you can now watch it or read it online.

Some of the focal points of this conference are: 1. Defend the family, 2. Server others by finding a way to help lift burdens, 3. Be true to one's self

How can I defend my family through my Etsy shop?  By being true to myself, allowing myself to be brave enough to share my God given talents with others.  By showing my children a good example of setting a goal, and working really hard on that goal, and that no matter what having fun while working on this goal, so if I'm not successful monetarily, I'm still successful because I shared my talents that I thought were worthless until recently.

How can I serve others and find a way to help lift burdens of others through my Etsy shop?  By painting uplifting, motivating paintings people can put in their homes, their offices or whatnot.  By using my motto which is "By bringing a Bit of Beauty to Your Life!".  What I do makes be happy, so as I share it I'm sharing my happiness.  What I do I feel is beautiful, so when I share it I'm sharing a bit of beauty.  As I do what I do, I remember the sorrow, pain, and anguish I have personally experienced over my life and understand that everyone is experiencing some degree of that on a daily basis, so I will choose to share joy which over comes sorrow.

How can I be true to myself through my Etsy shop?  Tons of people I know through my Etsp shop Facebook groups also sell and create jewelry, some more beautiful and more creative than mine, but instead of feeling sad and depressed because someone else is doing it too.  No one is making jewelry exactly like me.  No one is selling paintings that are done just like mine, so there is hope that someone will see what I do and enjoy it....because I was true to myself.

All this leads me to my excellent news.  TOMORROW I'm LAUNCHING my SHOP!  FINALLY!  YEAH!  YIPPEE!

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