May 19, 2016

The Sisters Weiss Book Review

I don't normally find the time to write long reviews about books now a days. However, this one requires that I write a review. Why? Because I finished it in 1 day. Granted I stayed up until 2am to finish it. IT WAS THAT GOOD! 

At first I thought this was a true story, but it is historical fiction. However, the lives unveiled are so real that you honestly feel like you need to sit down at the computer and google them when you're done reading. The Author Naomi Ragen is truly a talented, gifted, inspired writer. I have read many historical fiction novels that got me thinking about my own life, and got me wishing that I could do more to help other cultures, other people, and give the world more peace and happiness.

However, this book got me thinking about what is really important to me. Do I, in my life right now, feel like I'm on the path to reach my full potential? Do I feel like what my passions for life are, are going to help others? Do I feel that my faith, my belief are strong enough to keep me going? Now, for those of you who don't consider yourselves religious, or of a certain faith, I honestly feel like you would enjoy reading this book. Not to say "Whew that's why I don't believe in a God, or that's why I don't go to church!", but rather to see that you do believe in something, yourself! People who are religious and have faith can also believe in themselves. That's what this book is about. That's what Rose Weiss teaches us.

Each person has to go through their own struggles in life to learn how to believe in themselves, even when it is really hard. I believe in God, I honestly feel that He is leading my life, and is helping me realize my true and full potential. Because when I try to do things without Him, everything crumbles apart. But that's just me, and that's how I feel Pearl Weiss was as an adult.

Though my heart broke for what these sweet, innocent women went through, I am grateful for how my life has turned out...and that I don't have their struggles and trials. They if they were real would probably not want my struggles and trials either. 

I would buy this book and read it like once a year it's that good!

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