January 12, 2015

Why??? ? ?

I normally really enjoy year ends, and year beginnings, but when 2014 became 2015.  It wasn't so much a celebration as it was, an oh no moment, and a what now moment.  I'm usually a pretty happy person, and am very good and persuading people that nothing is wrong, but only those who know me the best know my bluffs.  Things came to a rocky point, it seemed like everywhere I turned someone wanted the one thing we just didn't have, and our health was the culprit.  Medical bills, and ER visits, and major dental work for every member of my family.  You would think that we weren't health conscious people...but we are, and have been, but our ways just weren't working out for us financially.  So after much discussion, crying, and praying with my husband we came up with some very feasible solutions.
See God has blessed me with a creative mind, but because I have this major confidence complex I hide my creative side, saying "someone else can do it better", "no one cares, so why should I?", "no one would like what I do"...but all that was really doing was tearing myself down more.  In Bible terms I was the slothful servant who buried my one talent in the garden because I was afraid to loose it, instead of sharing it, and making more talents like the wise servants with two and five talents.  What kind of person just throws away what God has given them because of fear?  Well that person is gone now...well sort of...this is still really hard to share, but what I do makes me happy, and I firmly believe that somewhere there is someone who will find joy from what I do as well.  

Why??? ?   ?

Because there are tons of people who are super talented who share their talents, whether it be art related, teaching related, food related, parenting related, budgeting related etc.  And their talents bring me joy.  So here's to a new start, some dirt covered talents that I'll be cleaning up along the way.

Welcome to Sand Glasses Design!

1 comment:

  1. You are truly a treasure, a one of a kind gem and pearl that can never be replaced by anyone else. So happy you are finally able to share your talents. I absolutely love every thing you've ever made for me. They hold a special place in my heart and in my home. Now the rest of the world can enjoy your talents, your wonderfulness, your sweetness just like me. Will do my best to now spread the word. Best wishes to you in your endeavors.
