August 26, 2015

Row Boat, Oars, and an Anchor

This past Sunday at church during our Relief Society class lesson (which is the Women's studies class), our teacher gave her lesson from a General Conference talk from 2014 by Dieter F. Uchtdorf titled Receiving a Testimony of Truth and Light (follow link to read).  It was beautiful!  It spoke to me so much that I felt the need to paint once again.  Come with me as I take you on a journey into my ever filling, slightly chaotic, vast abyss of a mind.

The talk is about having truth, and seeing it as light, and taking that light and sharing it with others once we are strong enough to do so.  This talk helps us learn how to be strong, what we need to have light and truth in our lives.  But this quote is what started my painting gears cranking.

"It seems to be a trait of humanity to assume that we are right even when we are wrong. And if that is the case, what hope is there for any of us? Are we destined to drift aimlessly on an ocean of conflicting information, stranded on a raft we have poorly pieced together from our own biases?
Is it possible to find truth?
The purpose of my remarks is to proclaim the joyful message that God Himself—the Lord of Hosts who knows all truth—has given His children the promise that they can know truth for themselves."

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