April 9, 2015

Lemons and a Song

So since opening my shop, I have really had to try and remember that it is not the center of my life.  I also have to remember that I really don't want to focus on making money, because these are talents that God has given me, and I want to share them with the world.  Why???

Because what I do with them brings me a bit of beauty and enjoyment, so why not share beauty and enjoyment with others?  Even if they don't buy, they will have a beautiful picture to look at during the day, instead of something depressing, sad, hurtful.

As a home school teacher life can seem very isolated at times since I spend all day with my children, as their mother and their teacher.  So I really try hard to make school time fun, creative, and help encourage my children to learn to love to learn.  During one of our recent music classes, we checked out youtube for some fun uplifting songs for my kids to hear, and watch the videos.  We came across the singer Alex Boye'; he has the most amazing voice and best uplifting music videos.  We found a new-ish one by him Lemonade.  Want to see his music video about Lemonade?  Follow this LINK to another post on my blog.

This song has become my life song right now as I see so many people needing God's blessings and prayers on their behalf.  So if life gives you Lemons make Lemonade, drink it and share it with others.  Because life is worth living, life is worth sharing, and lemonade usually brings smiles and laughter to people because of its sweet and tangy taste.

So I dedicate a new painting to Lemonade! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. When I finally get my "real permanent" house, I want to purchase this. You know how I like to make my flavored lemonades, and this will be perfect. You are Soooooooo talented. Love ya girl.
